Versuri -
Versuri Brightman Sarah
Versuri Brightman Sarah Chanson espagnol
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Dans la nuit
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Him
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah I lost my heart to a starship trooper
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah O mio babbino caro
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Pie Jesu (solo version)
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Regnava nel silenzio
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Somewhere
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Summertime
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Think Of Me
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Whistle down the wind
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Winter light
- Miscellaneous
Versuri Brightman Sarah Amigos para siempre
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah Guardami
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah Gus: the theatre cat
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah No llores por m Argentina
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah Piano
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah Pie Jesu
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah Surrender
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
Versuri Brightman Sarah Tell me on a Sunday
- Surrender, The Unexpected Songs
- Green Day
Nume Album : 1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hour - codu penal ft.cabron
Nume Album : Unknown - Gavin Friday
Nume Album : Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack - Jimmy Wayne Barber and Bill Kirsch
Nume Album : Jimmy Wayne - Mike Rutherford
Nume Album : Smallcreep's Day