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Versuri melodii artisti internationali
Cautare s,Band of Gold > Versuri s,Band of Gold
Gestern - The Beatles Revival Band
Taschenbuchschreiber - The Beatles Revival Band
Michelle - The Beatles Revival Band
Komm - The Beatles Revival Band
Irgendwas - The Beatles Revival Band
Hey Jude - The Beatles Revival Band
Geh Heim - The Beatles Revival Band
Das War Ein Harter Tag - The Beatles Revival Band
Bleib - The Beatles Revival Band
Ausflipper - The Beatles Revival Band
GOODBYE MY LOVE - The Glitter Band
The Wrong Band - Amos Tori
The Same Thing - Allman Brothers Band, The
The Judgement - Allman Brothers Band, The
Happy Anniversary - The Little River Band
The Heat Is On - Allman Brothers Band, The
Temptation Is A Gun - Allman Brothers Band, The
Winchester Cathedral - The New Vaudeville Band
Angel Band - The Stanley Brothers
- Dead Can Dance
Nume Album : Aion - Flatts Rascal
Nume Album : Melt - Xtc
Nume Album : Skylarking - Jam Pearl
Nume Album : Merkiball , Dead Man Walking Sountrack, Wtc Cd - Queen Pen feat. Teddy Riley
Nume Album : Hav Plenty soundtrack